Rules for Migrating TypeEngine classes to 0.6 --------------------------------------------- 1. the TypeEngine classes are used for: a. Specifying behavior which needs to occur for bind parameters or result row columns. b. Specifying types that are entirely specific to the database in use and have no analogue in the sqlalchemy.types package. c. Specifying types where there is an analogue in sqlalchemy.types, but the database in use takes vendor-specific flags for those types. d. If a TypeEngine class doesn't provide any of this, it should be *removed* from the dialect. 2. the TypeEngine classes are *no longer* used for generating DDL. Dialects now have a TypeCompiler subclass which uses the same visit_XXX model as other compilers. 3. the "ischema_names" and "colspecs" dictionaries are now required members on the Dialect class. 4. The names of types within dialects are now important. If a dialect-specific type is a subclass of an existing generic type and is only provided for bind/result behavior, the current mixed case naming can remain, i.e. _PGNumeric for Numeric - in this case, end users would never need to use _PGNumeric directly. However, if a dialect-specific type is specifying a type *or* arguments that are not present generically, it should match the real name of the type on that backend, in uppercase. E.g. postgresql.INET, mysql.ENUM, postgresql.ARRAY. Or follow this handy flowchart: is the type meant to provide bind/result is the type the same name as an behavior to a generic type (i.e. MixedCase) ---- no ---> UPPERCASE type in ? type in ? | | | no yes yes | | | | does your type need special | +<--- yes --- behavior or arguments ? | | | | | no name the type using | | _MixedCase, i.e. v V _OracleBoolean. it name the type don't make a stays private to the dialect identically as that type, make sure the dialect's and is invoked *only* via within the DB, imports the the colspecs dict. using UPPERCASE UPPERCASE name into its namespace | (i.e. BIT, NCHAR, INTERVAL). | Users can import it. | | v v subclass the closest is the name of this type MixedCase type, identical to an UPPERCASE i.e. <--- no ------- name in ? class _DateTime(types.DateTime), class DATETIME2(types.DateTime), | class BIT(types.TypeEngine). yes | v the type should subclass the UPPERCASE type in (i.e. class BLOB(types.BLOB)) Example 1. pysqlite needs bind/result processing for the DateTime type in, which applies to all DateTimes and subclasses. It's named _SLDateTime and subclasses types.DateTime. Example 2. MS-SQL has a TIME type which takes a non-standard "precision" argument that is rendered within DDL. So it's named TIME in the MS-SQL dialect's, and subclasses types.TIME. Users can then say mssql.TIME(precision=10). Example 3. MS-SQL dialects also need special bind/result processing for date But its DATE type doesn't render DDL differently than that of a plain DATE, i.e. it takes no special arguments. Therefore we are just adding behavior to types.Date, so it's named _MSDate in the MS-SQL dialect's, and subclasses types.Date. Example 4. MySQL has a SET type, there's no analogue for this in So MySQL names it SET in the dialect's, and it subclasses types.String, since it ultimately deals with strings. Example 5. PostgreSQL has a DATETIME type. The DBAPIs handle dates correctly, and no special arguments are used in PG's DDL beyond what provides. PostgreSQL dialect therefore imports types.DATETIME into its Ideally one should be able to specify a schema using names imported completely from a dialect, all matching the real name on that backend: from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import base as pg t = Table('mytable', metadata, Column('id', pg.INTEGER, primary_key=True), Column('name', pg.VARCHAR(300)), Column('inetaddr', pg.INET) ) where above, the INTEGER and VARCHAR types are ultimately from sqlalchemy.types, but the PG dialect makes them available in its own namespace. 5. "colspecs" now is a dictionary of generic or uppercased types from sqlalchemy.types linked to types specified in the dialect. Again, if a type in the dialect does not specify any special behavior for bind_processor() or result_processor() and does not indicate a special type only available in this database, it must be *removed* from the module and from this dictionary. 6. "ischema_names" indicates string descriptions of types as returned from the database linked to TypeEngine classes. a. The string name should be matched to the most specific type possible within sqlalchemy.types, unless there is no matching type within sqlalchemy.types in which case it points to a dialect type. *It doesn't matter* if the dialect has its own subclass of that type with special bind/result behavior - reflect to the UPPERCASE type as much as possible. With very few exceptions, all types should reflect to an UPPERCASE type. b. If the dialect contains a matching dialect-specific type that takes extra arguments which the generic one does not, then point to the dialect-specific type. E.g. mssql.VARCHAR takes a "collation" parameter which should be preserved. 5. DDL, or what was formerly issued by "get_col_spec()", is now handled exclusively by a subclass of compiler.GenericTypeCompiler. a. your TypeCompiler class will receive generic and uppercase types from sqlalchemy.types. Do not assume the presence of dialect-specific attributes on these types. b. the visit_UPPERCASE methods on GenericTypeCompiler should *not* be overridden with methods that produce a different DDL name. Uppercase types don't do any kind of "guessing" - if visit_TIMESTAMP is called, the DDL should render as TIMESTAMP in all cases, regardless of whether or not that type is legal on the backend database. c. the visit_UPPERCASE methods *should* be overridden with methods that add additional arguments and flags to those types. d. the visit_lowercase methods are overridden to provide an interpretation of a generic type. E.g. visit_large_binary() might be overridden to say "return self.visit_BIT(type_)". e. visit_lowercase methods should *never* render strings directly - it should always be via calling a visit_UPPERCASE() method.